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New Tianjin Technology & Development Co., Ltd. (in short NewTianjin or NTJ) engages in separation engineering and mass transfer equipments with packed and tray columns and high efficient internals. We also research in fine chemicals and catalysts.

Technology and project services including testing, simulation, design, products, installation services, onsite service and start-up services can be provided.

ISO9001 quality certified.

We aim to provide you with High-class technology, quality and services.

Tianjin Products


     Wire Gauze Packings

     Corrugated Metal Plates Packings

     TJH Packing

     WSY Packing

     Ceramics Packing

     Random Packings


     JCP Tray (Jet Coflow Packing Tray)

     JCV Tray (Jet Coflow Valve Tray)

     4A Tray (All Active Area extrAction Tray)

     TJ Valve Tray

     IMD Tray (Improved Multiple Downcomer Tray)

     Fixed Valve Tray (TJFV tray)

Demister (Mist Eliminator)

    TJCW Demister

    Wire Mesh Demister

    Angle-vane Type Demister

Column internals

    Liquid Distributor

    Vapor Distributor

    Liquid Collector

    Support Grids & Limiters

    Johnson Screen Internals

    Wall Wiper

Tianjin News


Chinese public holidays in 2025

- The three-effect high-efficiency and energy-saving process with five columns bas been successfully used in the 880 kta Methanol distillation system of HualuHengsheng Jingzhou. The steam consumption is less than 0.59 t/t and the Ethanol content is less than 30ppm. The process is suitable for GB, AA and other grades Methanol products


Johnson Screen Internals available upon request.


NewTianjin Corp. moved in new office: 12th floor, Bldg. A, QingXin Building, Nankai District, Tianjin 300193, P. R. China (On the Southeast of the cross of Changjiang Road and Nanfeng Road)


TJH Packing and TJV tray had been successfully used in the revamping of 100kTon/y Fuel Ethanol plant. The throughput of  Fuel Alcohol enhanced to 200kton/y and energy consumption remain the same.

- A novel process of Ethanol purification had been developed. The steam consumption of Ethanol distillation is ~1.1T/T.


JCP Tray and TJH packing had been successfully used in the Acrylic Acid distillation process.


JCP Tray and TJH packing had been successfully used in the 300kTon/y Methanol plant.


JCP Tray had been successfully used in the Acetic Acid recovery system.


Structured packing and TJV tray had been successfully used in the largest Bio-diesel plant in Singapore. The throughput of Biodiesel is up to 300 kton/y. The Glycerol purification system including Methanol Recovery Column, Dehydrate Column and Glycerin Purification Column.


JCP Tray and TJH packing had been successfully used in the revamping of 75kTon/y MTBE plant. The throughput of  MTBE enhanced to 150kton/y.


Wire gauze packing had been successfully used in the revamping of 50kton/y OrganoSilicon separation system. Both the purity of M1 and M2 product are up to 99.99%.


JCP Tray and TJH packing had been successfully used in the revamping of 100kTon/y EB plant. The throughput of  EthylBenzene enhanced to 180kton/y.


JCP Tray and TJH packing had been successfully used in the revamping of 100kTon/y EG plant. The throughput of  EG enhanced to 150kton/y.


JCPT was successfully used in 1,3-Butadiene extractive distillation column. The 1,3-Butadiene in the top is less than 40ppm.


4A tray had been successfully used in LPG de-H2S and Sulfur Alcohol system.


JCP Tray had been successfully used in the Absorption-Stabilization System of 3,500kton/y FCCU.

- TJH packing had been successfully used in the revamping of Butene-1 plant.
- JCP Tray had been successfully used in the revamping of Absorption-Stabilization System of 900kton/y FCCU. The process capacity of the unit enhanced to 1,200kton/y and the content of Propylene in the dry gas reduced from 1.5% to 0.3%, energy consumption also decreased. 


Tel: (+86) 22-2741 0889  Fax: (+86) 22-8789 1666  Address: 12th floor, Bldg. A, QingXin Building, Nankai District, Tianjin 300193, P. R. China (On the Southeast of the cross of Changjiang Road and Nanfeng Road)

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